What are Scalable Blockchains?

We define a “scalable blockchain” as a blockchain which sees transactions get cheaper and more efficient as transaction volume increases. 


Unbounded capital’s Scalability Research

We are convinced that the future of blockchain belongs to the most highly efficient and scalable option. We define a “scalable blockchain” as a blockchain which sees transactions gets cheaper and more efficient as transaction volume increases.

After years of research and major pivots in our investment focus, the only blockchain we think currently has a chance of scaling to meet global demand is Bitcoin SV, although we are constantly looking to see if there are other emerging scalable blockchains that could match or surpass Bitcoin SV on this key metric.

How and why the Crypto Consensus is Wrong?

For our most in-depth explanation of why we think the cryptocurrency consensus is mistaken about the value of Bitcoin and how the majority arrived at this position, download our free ebook.

“How a Scalable Blockchain Will Win” is available in PDF, on Kindle, and in audiobook on Audible.