Webinar Series
Our LP Exclusive Webinar Series features partners Zach Resnick, Jackson Laskey, & Dave Mullen-Muhr as they break down the complexities of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. From examining the technological fundamentals of blockchain to their economic and entrepreneurial implications, our webinar series condenses research to the bottom line: relevant, logical, and concentrated case in points.
Here you’ll find out most recent webinar installment: Is Bitcoin one of the Most Eco Friendly Technologies?
All things metaverse
What is the metaverse? What role does it play in the blockchain community? Does the metaverse has any adverse impact towards scalable blockchains- or is it a win for the community?
what is the state of scalable blockchains today?
Founders of Haste, Handcash, and Run discuss the advantages of integrating micropayments into applications, and how blockchain’s shareable database among apps poses micropayments as more secure and stable transaction processing solution.
How Micropayments solve saas’s problems?
Micropayments present an alternatively structured system to traditional SaaS models, one that makes transactions and subscriptions more efficient for users. Sub one-cent transactions open the doors for businesses to improve the user experience by reducing ad-distractors and unlocking the potential of pay-as-you-go price models
Webinar highlights
For a glimpse of our other presentations, Inside Looks features brief segments from our exclusive LP-only Webinar Series free for all to see. Below you will find clips from our latest installments: Bitcoin Basics, Own Your Data with BSV and Understanding Ethereum.
To see the full highlight reels, check out our YouTube channel featuring the webinar installments.
BITCoin Basics: key problems that bitcoin can solve
There are two key problems revolving around transactions between businesses and their clients in the online domain that can be solved through having an electronic payment system without needing the mediation of a third party.
Bitcoin Eliminates Aggregated Data Risk
An Internet Built on User-Owned Data
The aggregation and storage of large amounts of data creates valuable, but vulnerable concentrations of personal data. Partner Jack Laskey explains with Bitcoin’s encrypted data structure, dangerous data breaches become economically unfeasible.
The modern user is at the mercy of big data aggregators (like Google) and their security practices. A BSV-enabled internet has the same connivence, without the risk. Listen as Partner Dave Mullen-Muhr explains how Bitcoin SV provides individual ownership, high interoperation, and exceptional customization.
Ethereum vs. BSV Transactions
Own Your Data with Twetch (Case Study)
Introducing Twetch; a Twitter clone with no ads that lets users own and monetize their personal data with BSV. Unlike Twitter, Twetch doesn’t own or profit off your data, it just displays it in a user-friendly platform. Watch the clip above to learn more.
While investors continue to hold out for long awaited Ethereum 2.0, fees continue to rise. How do Ethereum transactions size up to BSV? Partner Jack Laskey briefly examines Ethereum’s current ability to process transactions.
Where Ethereum Went Wrong
Account based vs. UTXO
Ethereum operates under four fatal mindset flaws: complex all-purpose protocol, total decentralization, code as a substitute for law, & trust minimization. Partner Dave Mullen-Muhr examines the underlying characteristics of each in this Inside Look.
In order to truly understand Ethereum, it’s import to understand how account based systems compare to UTxO. Not sure how? In this Inside Look, partner Jack Laskey examines how Bitcoin behaves under both systems.
Parallelization is Extremely Important TO Scalability
While most highly scaled systems utilize parallelization, Ethereum is limited by the account-based nature of the platform. To learn more, listen as partner Jack Laskey further compares serial vs parallel transaction processing.