Ask Powping! What Will Be The Biggest BSV Use Case?

The release of PowPing this past Monday was probably the most fun release of a Bitcoin oriented product to date. This new social media platform resembles Twitter and Reddit but replaces likes, retweets, and upvotes with tips. Unwriter, the founder of Planaria Corp, the business responsible for PowPing, has stated that his vision is to promote value-generating conversation. I had an idea for an early experiment in PowPing usage. I would offer at least $50 in tips in exchange for answers to an important question: Which BSV use case will be generating the most annual revenue in 5 years and why?

The results were better than I could have expected. The request generated 98 responses and a total economy of over $82. Most of that came from me, but I was tipped about $1 and others contributed a few dollars to the best responses. BSV appreciation helped as well. It was money well spent. So what were the results? I boiled down the responses into 35 somewhat distinct categories. I would recommend checking out the original thread for the more detailed responses.

What excites me most about this list is the number of BSV native companies already providing solutions for these use cases. Kronoverse and BitBoss for gaming, Run, Tokenized, sCrypt and more for token solutions, wallets like Handcash, MoneyButton, and Centbee taking on different payments use cases, Metastreme in IoT, and Unisot/Seafood Chain leading the way in supply chain management. The list goes on and on.  More market entrants and competition will be welcome, but BSV has already attracted a fantastic set of entrepreneurs that will be difficult to outcompete. This is true even for well capitalized incumbents who face a significant learning curve.

Stay tuned for more PowPing inquiries, and throw us a tip if you enjoyed this content!