Context Conversations: Interview with Eric Noll

Recently, I got the chance to sit down with Context Capital CEO Eric Noll for a brief 16 minute interview. Eric posed some thoughtful questions, and through our discussion we addressed some principal distinctions in blockchain network philosophy, the same distinctions that give Bitcoin SV entrepreneurs and investors an asymmetric advantage.

A helpful analogy to explain: imagine three buckets, each consisting of a value proposition. The first bucket consists of an anarchist philosophy, proposing that blockchain is intended to act as an extralegal bank-resistant store of value. The second bucket contains propagation of unlicensed money transfer networks and unregulated loan operators. The third bucket seeks to optimize global scale infrastructure projects working concurrently with governance organizations, instead of optimizing government avoidance or unregulated money systems.

The first bucket is BTC and comparables, the second bucket is ETH and the defi world, and the third bucket is the BSV ecosystem. I explained on the show that these key differences are paving the way for ambitious, global scale projects comparable to those at the conception of the internet.

In the mid 90s, the consensus view among the investors is that there will be multiple internets for multiple use cases. The sole internet we know today, which was trying to do something more ambitious with a greater degree of scale, won out.

There is one blockchain trying to ambitiously change the way we interact with, store, and send data, and that's the Bitcoin SV version of Bitcoin. On a risk adjusted basis, there's never been a better time to invest in the Bitcoin SV ecosystem, except for yesterday.

This interview turned out fantastic -- I encourage anyone interested to watch the full youtube video. Thank you Context for hosting me on your show!