Why We Built BSV2048

Unbounded Enterprise’s mission is to make it easier to build on Bitcoin. So, why are we spending time recreating a game almost a decade past its peak? When many Bitcoiners think about the future of games on Bitcoin, the mind jumps immediately to companies like FYX Gaming (formerly Kronoverse), Transmira, and the dream of Ready Player One - a virtual world where players can have a seamlessly interoperable user experience made possible by ownership over their digital lives. But, that was before Haste

Haste showed that Bitcoin could make even the simplest game fun, providing a recipe that adds a new dimension to virtually any game of skill, chance, or most likely a mix of both. We believe in their vision so much, we wanted to try it ourselves.

Not every challenge around building on Bitcoin has to do with technology. In fact, the greatest barrier to building applications on Bitcoin today may actually be the lack of adoption. Building a Bitcoin app is already difficult, and if there isn’t an audience ready to use it, the effort will likely be disproportionate to the reward. Therefore, our mission of making building easier has to be  done in a manner that actually helps entrepreneurs and developers make money, not just accelerate the development of apps for no one.

BSV2048 is a game that we think may be the most shareable Bitcoin application created to date. It is familiar and fun, but also unique. Handcash Connect, the tool we used to build BSV2048, is the best sign-up experience in Bitcoin to date, and the ease of making payments helps us deliver a modern user experience. No slow swipes! We couldn’t have built BSV2048 without Handcash Connect, and Handcash has kept on delivering with subsequent improvements like the web wallet and web-based account creation - a feature which means we can onboard users without needing to have them download an app. 

With BSV2048, we have also created one of the best ways to date to help people get their first Bitcoin. Any new user gets free plays, each of which provides an opportunity to get a high score which can earn Bitcoin. We will continue to support users who don’t have access to Bitcoin, and we also hope that by creating more demand for small amounts of Bitcoin, we can help accelerate fiat onboarding for BSV, especially in small amounts. Further, we are thrilled to be part of such an amazing community in BSV which has a fantastic group of donors, Zatoshi foremost among them, who can play a role in getting BSV2048 users the pennies needed to continue competing.

Our goals for BSV2048 are ambitious. We plan to devote significant resources to improving the game and making adoption simpler. However, we think the biggest value provided by BSV2048 will come from its release as a template for making other games using Handcash Connect. There’s more work to be done, but our goal is to release a sample app which shows how to recreate what we’ve done and makes the developer experience as simple as possible. We want developers focusing on building a great game - not setting up Bitcoin components, dealing with keys and UTxOs, or spending time scaling instead of creating. 

To make the sample app truly powerful, we are building services to make it easy for games like BSV2048 to become real businesses, not just fun proofs of concept. These services will include methods of getting customized analytics about gameplay, handling company funds in a secure manner, reporting effectively with accounting and tax software, and more. If you or your company are working on services that you think would benefit a game like BSV2048 - please get in touch with us. We want to see an app explosion on BSV, and our goal is to make it so that the only limit on builders is their creativity.

We don’t know what all of the missing ingredients are for real adoption, but we think BSV2048 can help us figure at least a few of them out. The sooner we do, the sooner we can start showing the power of Bitcoin to transcend legacy financial and IT systems, become the foundation of a new, secure internet, and change the world. 

If you want to be a part of our mission to make it easier to build on Bitcoin, apply to join our team today!

Again, a very special thanks to Haste and Handcash for giving us the tools and inspiration we needed to build BSV2048.