Why We’re Building NFTY Jigs

If Unbounded Enterprise is a transaction processor focused on enterprise adoption of Bitcoin, what are we doing shilling NFTs, let alone NFTs with a silly name like NFTY Jigs? How is something as uncouth as a token presale going to help us to get Fortune 100 companies building on Bitcoin? The truth is, nothing could help us achieve these goals faster than NFTY Jigs.

The reason we are striving to become a transaction processor is because we believe it’s the point from which we can have the greatest impact. We aren’t processing transactions yet, but our focus on becoming a transaction processor allows us to take on challenges that wouldn’t make sense otherwise. One of these challenges is facilitating application interoperability.

Transaction processors are at the center of the Bitcoin network. The Bitcoin network is a coordination layer - the ledger makes it easier for individuals and businesses to interact. To us, this means that transaction processors should expect to have an outsized role in facilitating application interoperability. This gets to the purpose of NFTY Jigs, but first, a poker lesson.

Amongst other things, I used to be a professional poker player. In poker, one of the most powerful plays is the semi-bluff. A semi-bluff is a fancy word for betting a draw, a hand that could become extremely strong depending on which cards come. When a player bets a draw, they have two ways to win. The first way is by getting one’s opponent to fold. The second way is by making one’s draw which typically results in having the best hand. Having two ways to win makes the play extremely profitable.

NFTY Jigs is like a semi-bluff because it gives Unbounded Enterprise two ways to win instead of one. We know we need to make headway in application interoperability in order to compete as a transaction processor. Creating NFTY Jigs gives us a sandbox to explore application interoperability and test our assumptions while launching a product which we believe can succeed on its own accord.

NFTY Jigs is fertile ground for interoperability because, well, that’s the whole point of NFTY Jigs. NFTY Jigs are Bitcoin NFT building blocks for building games and other applications. NFTY Jigs are designed to solve a distribution problem for games requiring users to have unique sets of property. Take a deck building game like Magic the Gathering or Hearthstone - these games require users to own unique sets of playing cards. By becoming a widely distributed set of digital objects, NFTY Jigs can become objects onto which functionality like a deck-building game can be built. The first example of this is Hash War, a Bitcoin mining/black hat hacking themed deck building game in development at Unbounded Enterprise.

For NFTY Jigs to work, it has to be exceedingly easy for users to transport their NFTY Jigs and associated data from application to application. Data associated with these Jigs needs to seamlessly flow from owner to owner as NFTY Jigs are bought and sold. The Bitcoin ledger can coordinate this activity, but it isn’t done trivially. The ledger is expensive, and application builders will want to leverage hybrid on-chain/off-chain solutions to utilize the ledger for its strengths and avoid it for its weaknesses.

We have ways to solve these problems for NFTY Jigs, but there is no learning like doing. By diving in ourselves rather than simply playing a support role to other builders, we can accelerate our pace of discovery, innovation, and most importantly, building. If you are interested in learning more about NFTY Jigs, head to nftyjigs.com. If you want to be a part of the NFTY Jigs ecosystem and help us build more quickly, consider participating in the NFTY Jigs presale. If you want to join our team, check out our jobs page and get in touch with us today.