Unbounded Capital in Discussion with Roger Ver

In this video, Unbounded Capital partners Jackson Laskey and Zach Resnick have a conversation with Bitcoin.com’s Roger Ver in which they compare the merits of BSV and BCH in regards to promoting liberty worldwide. The discussion includes the effects of political rhetoric around Bitcoin, differences in how BSV and BCH have developed since the split, and Roger’s reasoning for why he still spends most of his time supporting BCH and what he would have to see to come to view BSV as the version of Bitcoin with the best chance of promoting liberty worldwide. The conversation was preceded with an open letter sent from Jackson to Roger which is discussed in the conversation. A slightly edited version of that that letter can be found in this blog post.

Roger Ver was a key figure in leading Unbounded Capital to a BSV-maximalist thesis. We appreciated the chance to thank him for his support of big-block Bitcoin and to share more of our BSV thesis with him and his audience. Ultimately, we believe that converging on one version of Bitcoin and a more pragmatic rhetoric will give Bitcoin the greatest chance of success.