BSV Overtakes Ethereum Transaction Volume as Crypto Fights Gains Adoption

BSV Overtakes Ethereum Transaction Volume as Crypto Fights Gains Adoption

Yesterday, on 8/24/2021, Crypto Fights alone pushed a total of 2.134M transactions onto the BitcoinSV network. For comparison, yesterday the Ethereum network as a whole processed a grand total of 1.247M transactions – only 58% of the output from Crypto Fights alone.

Why BSV is More Likely to Promote Liberty Worldwide than BCH: An Open Letter to Roger Ver

Why BSV is More Likely to Promote Liberty Worldwide than BCH: An Open Letter to Roger Ver

Unbounded Capital would not be where it is today without Roger Ver. However, since the BCH/BSV fork transpired we have found ourselves primarily focused on separate versions of Bitcoin. This open letter from Jack Laskey seeks to bridge that divide and explain to Roger why BSV is more likely to promote the vision of the future that Roger seeks: the proliferation of liberty worldwide.