BSV blockchain

BSV Overtakes Ethereum Transaction Volume as Crypto Fights Gains Adoption

BSV Overtakes Ethereum Transaction Volume as Crypto Fights Gains Adoption

Yesterday, on 8/24/2021, Crypto Fights alone pushed a total of 2.134M transactions onto the BitcoinSV network. For comparison, yesterday the Ethereum network as a whole processed a grand total of 1.247M transactions – only 58% of the output from Crypto Fights alone.

Why the 51% Attack says more about the State of the Crypto Industry than the BSV Blockchain

Why the 51% Attack says more about the State of the Crypto Industry than the BSV Blockchain

Last week we saw a malicious attack on the BSV network. Much of the crypto media described this as an attack with the aim of stealing money via a double spend. But this attacker spent merely hundreds of thousands of dollars where there was effectively no chance of this ending in theft: this was likely a public relations attack.